Guest Book

Title기타매니아에서 주최하는 기타리스트 모토미 카케프 기타리싸이틀2005-06-29 15:25

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!기타매니아에서 주최하는 기타리싸이틀!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

일본 동경에서 발견한 기타리스트 모토미 카케프.

그의 너무나 뛰어난 음질과 표현에 감동되어

5월초 일본 동경근처 기타문화원 기타페스티발에서

연주가 끝나는 즉시 한국에서의 연주회를 부탁드렸는데

그것이 성사되어 이렇게 연주회를 갖게 되었습니다.

느껴보세요 , 스페인명기 "심플리시오"로 연주하는 모토미의 환상적인 톤을,...

이런 멋진톤을 구사하는 연주자를 소개할수있어 저도 참 즐겁습니다......수

7/8 금요일 저녁8시 (인쇄물에 9시는 잘못된겁니다.).........

분당연주회(50석) (입장권.....1만5천만원(다과제공)

경기도 분당 서현동 ............필하모니 031-706-2080

7/9일 토요일 저녁 8시......인천 연주회(50석) (입장권.....1만5천원)

리여석 기타오케스트라 파랑돌 갤러리

자유공원 홍예문 위 (동인천역 도보 5분 거리)

032-761-7829, 011-764-7829

7/10 일요일 저녁 6시 ......서울연주회 (180석) (입장권.....2만원)

음향이 좋은 서울 강남 모짜르트홀에서 연주회

( 이 멋진 리싸이틀은 실황음반으로 제작할 예정입니다.)


모짜르트홀 미리보기...


1...............Mazurka Choro : V.Lobos

2...............Gavotta Choro : V.Lobos

3...............Asturias : I.Albeniz

4...............Mallorca : I.Albeniz

5...............Sevilla : I.Albeniz


6...............Barcarole&Danza Pomposa : A.Tansman

7...............Allegro risoluto : N.Paganini

(1st mov. from grand sonata)

8...............Suite for Guitar “Koyunbaba” by domeniconi

(앵콜곡으로 몇곡더 분위기에 따라 연주하실겁니다.)



입장료 ...... 8일 분당 1만5천원,

9일 인천 1만5천원

10일 서울 2만원 (모짜르트홀에서의 입장권은 예매시 1만5천원(할인25%)입니다.)

신한은행 618-02-281420


공연문의.....기타매니아, 031-962-9434

기타문화원 02-581-5527

모토미의 프로필입니다. MOTOMI KAKEFU Performing Artist Profile: Motomi Kakefu was born in Nagoya, Japan in 1954, started playing guitar from 12 years of age, receiving lessons from Mr. Toshio Tamura and Mr. Yoshio Mizuno. In 1978, Motomi held Solo concert at Chuden Hall in Nagoya, Japan as his debut recital, and his performance were well received. In the same year, Motomi pursued his study abroad by taking private tuition by Carlos Bonell who is a professor of Royal College of Music in England as a mentor. In 1984, he won the 2nd prize of the 27th Tokyo International Guitar Competition. In 1988, he held solo concert at Bario Hall, Hongo, Tokyo, as the debut concert in Tokyo area. Since then, he has been actively performed in various locations centering Tokyo. He has been performed in the U.S., Belgium, Germany, Denmark and Sweden. His performance has been well received. Especially, his performance in the city of Galesburg in Germany were reviewed by the local newspaper, commented as “His performance has giving to audience with so much joy” “He is one of rare musician who gives audience with impressive joy”. He has released 4 CD’s and received many well reviews. He often has received advises from Mr. Pepe Romero who is one of the greatest guitarist in the world. Pepe and his family have commented highly Motomi’s performance as a guitarist who has a beautiful sounds and wonderful technique. Motomi is a member of Japan Guitarist Association and occasionally serves as a member of judging committee for Classic Guitar Competition.

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