
Title존길버트의 기타고르는법 중..2009-08-27 10:35

존길버트의 기타고르는법 중에서 가장 중요하게 생각하는
사운드에 관한 내용을 퍼왔습니다.

The most important of these is Sound: That’s what the guitar is all about …sound.

      There are several ways to check for sound:

A.      Bring a good sounding guitar for comparison.
B.      Bring along a friend with a good ear who can also play.
C.      When testing guitars do it outdoors or if that isn’t possible, do it in the largest room you can find.

        The important facets of overall sound quality are:

1.        Timbre.  (Quality of the individual tones.)
2.        Balance.  (Trebles must match bass.)
3.        Separation.  (The clarity with which individual tones can be distinguished in a chord.)
4.        Sustain.  (The rate of decay of a tone after it is struck.)
5.        Loudness.
6.        Intonation.

Always remember that sound can rarely be greatly improved  in a guitar without tremendous expense


While this outline is basic in content, it does generate questions from the audience and we often delve at some depth into the various facets of guitar construction, testing, and sound.

The most important subject we discuss is sound.  Here are some of the things I discuss with them:

1.Loudness.  If you intend to give recitals and concerts in large halls, you had better be sure that the guitar you choose projects well.  The best place to test for this is outdoors.  If weather deters you, the second best method is to use an auditorium, gymnasium, or a church.  Lacking all of the above, use the largest room you can find.  When making this test and, for that matter, all test pertaining to sound, it helps to have a proven guitar along (or several) to use as a basis for comparison and, naturally, someone to play for you and to listen while you play.  If  you do not plan on concertizing or if you intend to amplify electronically, loudness is not the most important factor of sound to you, but all other sound qualities will be.  So at this time, with guitar in hand, let us test for them.

2. Timbre (pronounced tamber, tanber, or timber according to which authority you choose) is purely subjective, so that what sounds great to me may not impress you at all. However, the instrument must have a tone quality that truly satisfies you, or you will not enjoy playing it no matter what other attributes it may have.

3. Balance.  This I prefer to think of as mostly an objective test because if either the treble or bass end is weak, it will be very noticeable heard at a distance.  Be sure to test for this by barring each fret from the first to the twelfth because some guitars have weaknesses more pronounced in certain areas of the fingerboard than others.

4. Separation (or clarity) is, to a great degree, a quality that goes untested by most players because it is such a difficult and elusive feature to listen for.  When a guitar has loudness, good timbre and balance, it is hard to remind yourself to really listen to chords to see if you can hear individual tones (like a good barbershop quartet) or only a glob of sound.

5. Sustain.  Some guitars have an even output of sound and will appear to have good sustain, whereas a guitar with a robust or popping initial output of sound will seem to have less sustain.  Therefore, when comparing guitars set a metronome at some fast tempo and count the beats from pluck (or pick) to silence.  Some interesting facts will emerge by trying this with different guitars.  As to the amount of sustain, all tones on the guitar should have some, with the lowest tones having more than the higher tones.

그중 Loudness(음량)에 관해서 흥미로운건 .. 가장 좋은 방법은 야외에서 연주해
보는것이라고 하는군요, 주위 공명을 아예 배재하기 때문이 아닌지 추측해봅니다 .

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-존길버트의 기타고르는법 중..2009-08-27
Next오랜만에 인사드립니다.2008-07-09