Q&A for International Users

한국어 Vietnam
TitlePrice list & models availability in 20092009-01-24 23:06

I have found your site by chance while searching for information on Li Jie.
I am really really impressed with the performance of Li Jie.
After reading your web site, I have realized she was playing your guitar.
I am 49 years old computer technician learning to play classical guitar, going for grade 7 in summer 2009.
My favourite composers are Villa Lobos and F. Terraga because of Villa Lobos' dramatic movements and Terraga's rich & sensual sounds.
Watching &  listening to Li Jie's Grand Jota and Caprice 24 had completely mesermized me. It also brought my interrest to the guitars you made.
I appreciate craftmanship of such a high standard. I would be most grateful if you could email me the models & price list.
I understand that great things require care, skill, attention, dedication, and time.
I would not mind waiting a year or more for such a craftmanship.
I just hope that my skill will attain the right level to compliment your craftmanship.
Thank you very much for your attention.

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-Price list & models availability in 20092009-01-24
NextMusic sheet2012-05-19