천 쯔 Chen Zhi


현, 국가 보호지정 1급 예술인.
현, 중국 국영방송 기타 오케스트라 단장 및 예술지도 겸 지휘자.
현, 중앙 음악학원 클래식 기타 교수 및 기타교육 연구실 주임.
현, 프랑스 파리 국립 음악원 초대교수.
현, 영국 런던 왕립 음악원 초대교수.
현, 북경 기타협회 이사장.
현, 북경 천쯔 클래식 기타학교 교장.

1958- 기타교육에 헌신.
1982- 중국 최초의 클래식 기타학교인 북경 천쯔클래식 기타학교 창립.
1984- 중앙 인민방송국 10년연속 클래식 기타특강.
1986- 북경 기타협회 이사장 취임.
1987- 중국 국제기타예술제 조직,예술 총감독.
1988- 중국 방송 클래식 기타 악단 단장 취임.
1990- 중앙음악학원 클래식 기타과 설립 및 교수초빙, 클래식 기타 연구실 주임 위촉.
1993- 중앙TV “클래식 기타의 기교,표현” 주3회 전국방송 시작.

*천쯔교수의 학생중 17명이 중요 국제기타콩쿨에서 대상 수상.

왕야멍- 일본,이태리,스페인
양쉬페이- 호주
리자중& 리지에- 홍콩
첸산산- 일본
천촨- 오스트리아
천촨& 숴쿼- 홍콩
수멍- 오스트리아,일본,미국,독일

*천쯔 교수는 여러차례 세계각국의 초청으로 국제 기타콩쿨의 심사위원으로
마카오,일본,말레이시아,대만, etc)

*세계의 평가
일본- “현대기타” “기타음악” “화성” “매일신문”
영국- “클래식기타” “BBC방송”
프랑스- “기타”
독일- “기타와 류트”
미국- “NBC방송” 등에서 천쯔교수의 예술활동에 대해 상세히 보도.

1995- 오랜 역사와 권위를 자랑하는 영국의 “클래식기타” 잡지사에서
천쯔교수를 “올해의 세계기타 예술인” 으로 선정.

2001- 본인이 직접 녹화,제작,출판한 “클래식기타 명곡 연주,해설집” 출간.

2003- 영국의 “클래식기타” 잡지의 표지 사진에 등재되며, 장문의 인터뷰 수록.

Professor of classical guitar in Beijing Central Conservatoire Chen Zhi is a famous international guitar artist.
He assumes posts as director, artisic instructor and conductor of China Broadcasting Guitar Orchestra, council director of China Beijing Guitar Society, council member of Beijing Musician Association, president of Chen Zhi School of Classical Guitar, as well as council member of China International Cultural Exchange Center and council member of Japan International Guitar Association.

In 1982 Mr. Chen Zhi founded the first school of classical guitar “Chen Zhi School of Classical Guitar” in China. He has been hosting the radio programme “Classical Guitar Lesson once a week” since 1984. In 1986 he assumed the post as council director of China Beijing Guitar Society.

As the initiator and artistic director, Chen Zhi organize the first China International Guitar Festival in 1987 which won a great success. In 1989 He assumed the post as the director of China Broadcasting Guitar Orchestra. In the same year Chen led a delegation to participate the 32nd Tokyo International Guitar Contest and his student Miss Yang Xuefei (l2 years old) won a Special Prize.

At the invitation of the Spanish government Mr. Chen made a three-month visit to Spain for investigation and lecture in 1991. In 1992 he went to Spain and Portugal once again with his students Miss Yang Xuefei and Miss Bai Pu (13 years old) for a one-month performance.
The performance was very successful and made a great stir throughout the countries. Chen Zhi also led Miss Yang Xuefei and Miss Bai Pu to Taiwan for a performance tour in 1993 and won high acclaim. In the same year his student Miss Wang Yameng
(l2 years old) beast numbers of strong professional competitors in this field and won the first prize of the 36th Tokyo International Guitar contest.
He led a delegation to Taiwan and Japan for performance tour in 1994 and gave lectures in France, Switzerland and Italy in 1995. His student Wang Yameng also won a 2nd prize in the 28th “Citta di Alessandria” International Guitar Contest in 1995.
Chen Zhi will visit and make performance tours of Italy, France, and Spain in1996.

Since 1993, Professor Chen has been hosting the CCTV programme “The Skill and Expression of Classical Guitar” which is on the air three times a week.
For years, Mr. Chen has written a great many books and articleson the art of guitar, they were published on press at home and abroad.
Chen has paid visits to foreign countries from time to time, pursuing investigation and made friends with dozens of famous musicians.
He was Visiting Professor of Conservatoire de Paris City de la musique and Royal academy in London has been confered honorary membership and invited as consultant of art by several international musical organizations.
His activities in art were specially reported by magazines such as “The Gendai Guitar”, “Music Of Guitar”, “Harmony” and “Daily News” in Japan, “Classical Guitar” in Britain, and the British Broadcasting Company and NBC in the United States.
His students has been prized to 17-times in world competitions.