토모미 고노는 4세부터 피아노를 시작하였으나, 7세때 일본의 유명 기타리스이자 작곡가인 유키지로 요코씨를 만나 터음으로 기타수업을 받기 시작 하였고, 10세때 부터 기타리스트 Tsuneo Ema를 사사한다.
2001년 32회 동경국제기타 콩쿨에서 2등상을 수상 하였으며, Roland Dyans, Eduardo Fernandez, Scott Tennant, Maria Esther Guzman, Alvaro Pierri 등등 세게적인 대가들의 마스터 클래스에 참여한다.
2004년 작곡가 Kenji Harada 의 작품을 수록한 첫번째 음반 “The White Trace” 첼리스트 Kana Moriya 와 함께한 두번째 음반 “DIECI CENTESIMI” 을 발매 하였다.
현재 그녀는 일본 최고의 기타리스트인 젠타로 다카다와 후쿠다 신이치를 사사하고 있다.
2008년 아시아 국제기타콩쿨 3위
2009년 동경 국제기타콩쿨 3위
2010년 러시아 블라디보드스톡과 한국의 페스티발에 초청 연주
2011년 한국에서 그녀의 DVD “Recollections” 출판
Born in Tokyo, Japan, Tomomi Kohno studied piano music since she was four.
She received her first lessons on the guitar from guitarist and composer Yuquijiro Yocoh at the age of seven. From ten, she continued her studies with guitarist Tsuneo Ema.
After having graduated in Japan Women’s University which majored in sociology, Ms. Kohno found a job in Internet technology company in Tokyo and was in charge of marketing office work for two years.
She worked as web designer and coder in various companies and acquired wide judgment, energy, inspiration and real pleasure of music afterwards.
In 2001, Ms. Kohno became winner of the 32th Classical Guitar Competition and received 2nd prize of the Spanish Guitar Competition in Tokyo.
She attend the master class of many famous guitarists so far, for example, Roland Dyans, Eduardo Fernandez, Scott Tennant, Maria Esther Guzman, Alvaro Pierri,
and so on. In 2004,
She released the first solo CD “The White Trace” composed by Kenji Harada who is specialist of Game and Rock Music.
And the second CD “DIECI CENTESIMI” with Kana Moriya,
Cellist is also composed by Kenji Harada.
Those are original work for the classical guitar and are got close to many people across the classical music world.
Tomomi Kohno continues studying with Gentaro Takada and Shin-ichi Fukuda, Japanese famous guitarists now.
In 2008, she received 3rd prize of Asia International Guitar Competition.
In 2009, she received 3rd prize of Tokyo International Guitar Competition and gave an important recital for her in Tokyo.
In 2010, she was invited by the festival in Vladivostok and Korea, and gave concerts.
Her DVD is going to be released from Korea in 2011.